
My silly internet name is Reality Glitch, its also my general handle in some form or another out and about in the world of social media. My actual name is James. Exciting.

I had an Amiga 500 back in the day (circa 1990), and I’ve not really stopped using it or playing games on it since, however, my head is still filled with all those heavy nostalgic images and memories of a childhood spent gaming.

Some of my favourite game series include Sonic the Hedgehog, Tomb Raider, The Legend of Zelda and anything from Valve. Some of my immediate retro favourites always include The Secret of Monkey Island, Civilization 2, Rodland, Hunter, The Settlers, Toejam and Earl, California Games, Road Rash, Turrican 2, Space Invaders and Arkanoid.

Stay tuned and thanks for visiting my blog!

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